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電郵地址: rsvp@rainlily.org.hk

電話號碼: 23922569


風雨蘭成立於2000年,為香港首間性暴力危機支援中心,專為十四歲或以上曾經歷性暴力之女性提供支援服務。作為各項服務的協調機制,風雨蘭免費提供輔導、醫療、法律及其他適切支援,協助曾經歷性暴力人士重建自尊自信。 Established in 2000 as Hong Kong's first sexual violence crisis centre, RainLily provides free immediate crisis support, counselling, emergency contraception, sexual transmittable infections screening and preventive treatment, legal information, and judicial procedures accompaniment support (including forensic examination, police statement-taking, and other judicial procedures) to victim-survivors of sexual violence that are 14 or above.