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電郵地址: rsvp@rainlily.org.hk

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風雨蘭賣旗日2024 以「Good Vibes 同行支援」為題,除藉此喚醒大眾對性侵事件的關注外,更希望讓大眾練習成為溫暖的支援者,實踐同理他人和溫柔以待,將受傷的人好好接住。 Join us for RainLily Flag Day 2024! Beyond spreading awareness about sexual violence, we invite you to be part of a movement that promotes empathy and warmth. Let's come together as a community to create supportive Good Vibes for victim-survivors. 了解有關風雨蘭工作:rainlily.org.hk/chi/service Learn more about our service: rainlily.org.hk/eng/service